Shipping and return policies for Scary Font

Shipping Info
Shipping is only initiated on days of the week when the United States Postal Service is in operation (usually Monday through Saturday, excluding federal holidays). United States Postal Service is the primary method of shipping, though shipping may/can occur through other services (UPS, FedEx, etc.); alternate services may be employed if necessary to guarantee timely shipment to specific geographic locations or to ensure quality of handling.

Compact disc orders are shipped in specialty bubble mailers, with a limit of 3 discs per mailer. Cassette orders are mailed in individual (1 cassette per mailer) specialty cardboard cassette mailers. Estimated shipping date for customers worldwide is 2 to 3 days from the date the order request is initiated. Estimated delivery time within the U.S. and Canada is 4 to 10 business days. Estimated delivery time for orders outside the U.S. and Canada can range from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on distance to shipping destination.
Return Policy
Please contact this seller directly for specific questions regarding return policy, as any/all terms and conditions are subject to change at any time. Seller reserves the right to, at any time, define/determine the terms and conditions of this return policy, and also reserves the right to, at any time, rescind existing terms and conditions where applicable.

Items that may be accepted as returns with applicable refund and/or free item replacement include the following: those items that are determined to have been damaged in shipping and/or handling and/or during initial duplication and/or manufacturing, i.e. damage to compact disc sleeves and/or cassette packaging determined to have been inflicted/imposed during shipping and/or handling; physical damage to discs and/or cassettes or cassette casings discovered upon unpackaging of item(s) that are determined to have been inflicted/imposed during shipping and/or handling and/or during initial duplication and/or manufacturing; and/or intact discs or cassettes that are otherwise not operating properly or appear/sound to contain no audio content, if determined to have been caused during initial duplication and/or manufacturing, or if determined to have inflicted/imposed during shipping and/or handling.

Not eligible for return with applicable refund and/or free item replacement are the following: Exterior envelopes/packaging that may be damaged (ripped, torn, ruptured, marked, stained, etc.), even though the product itself is intact or otherwise not damaged/affected; cassettes or compact discs that have been damaged through means of carriage/operation/mishandling by the user/customer; cassettes and/or compact discs that have been worn, deteriorated or otherwise damaged in user's/customer's storage, whether by temperature, weather, or other conditions not recommended for standard storage of cassettes or compact discs; compact discs that do not display song/title identification or information when playing in devices that read or display ISRC or related information; or downloads that are inactive or inoperable due to faulty, corrupted or otherwise inoperable devices and/or related device software and/or hardware.

All requests for refund and/or item replacement are subject to review and may require further information before requests can be addressed or honored.